How You Can Reduce Payments

How You Can Reduce Your Student Loan Payments

Getting out from under your student loans is a long, expensive process. On average, you can expect to pay around $400 a month. Some payments are even higher than this. Many people feel overwhelmed by their student loan debt, but it’s a bit of a two edged sword. On the one hand, it’s clear that a higher education is absolutely essential to getting a great paying job. On the other, the weight of the debt can be crushing.

The professionals at Student Loan Services can help you reduce student loan monthly payments. There are many programs available to help you with debt relief. The amount of your payment may be modified based on income, occupation, family size, and the current status of your loans. Student Loan Service understands that each situation is different and a professional team member will give your loan personal attention. If we do not process your request and paperwork in a timely manner we will offer a 100% refund. We are confident that our professional staff will work quickly and professionally to handle your student loan situation. Likewise, you’re entitled to a full refund if the Department of Education does not approve the documents that we prepare for you.

How You Can Reduce Your Student Loan Payments

To Get Started

At the most basic level, in order for our specialists to help guide you through the process of reducing your loan payment, we need to collect some information regarding the details of your loan, your income, and your employment situation. From here, we’ll be able to tell you what paperwork and information you need to get ready for the Department of Education.

Extended Preparation

In addition to collecting all of this information, Student Loan Services will work as a liaison between you and the Department of Education. If your situation changes, there are important forms that you need to fill out to keep your status in these programs. We can help you fill out these forms and make sure they are submitted in a timely manner.

You can also authorize us to speak to the Department of Education on your behalf on any matter relating to the status and payments of your student loans. Some of the things that we may discuss with the Department of Education include entry into or change from one consolidation program to another. Many of these programs will reduce your monthly payment rates based on a number of factors, including at a minimum, family size, employment status, and income. We may also work with them to change the date that the payment is due if such a change would better serve your needs. We will ask if your payments can be deferred or if you are able to skip a payment, and we can help you start the process of being re-approved for consolidation programs that have turned you down in the past.

Student loan debt does not have to be overwhelming any more. Our services can help reduce your total debt, reduce your monthly payments, and take away a lot of the stress of paying for your education. Student Loan Service can help you manage your student loan debt and will work with the Department of Education to find a repayment plan that works for you.